Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Home renovations - a continuing story

After yesterday's post a number of you asked what we will be doing with the bathroom once the wallpaper is down. The short answer is paint the walls and install a new counter made from decorative tile.

This whole saga started in 2008 when the air-conditioner broke down. It was August and I was not willing to put out the cash at that point so we just lived without it. A few months later, Paul and I were hearing more about the energy assessment program. As our furnace is 30-years old and living on borrowed time, it seemed like a no-brainer to do the replacements now when there were rebates available.

Well, that adventure spiralled out of control and resulted in: a new (huge) air conditioner, a high-efficiency furnace, a new hot water tank, new home siding to cover the improved 3-inch insulation, five new windows and a new patio door. It was an expensive summer filled with noisy workmen tracking in and out of my home. Paul (mysteriously) was never here for any of the installations so I was left to my own devices. In other words I made coffee and tried to nod knowingly as they blathered on about measurements, building code and extending the life of my compressor. Whatever!

Looking at the list of suggested improvements we should also get insulation blown into the attic and replace the toilets. While we were looking at the toilets we were reminded that the downstairs powder room is old, ugly and dated and we need extra storeage in the upstairs bathroom. Finally, we need to do a lot of painting as the new patio door is smaller than the last and there is plaster and drywall exposed in the living room.

By now I am fed up with having strangers in my house. Those of you who know me well, know that I HATE having people in my house so it has been quite challenge for me already. I have put my foot down. We are doing the bathrooms and the painting ourselves.

We started this weekend at the new home improvement store. Paul was excited because he loves these places but I usually complain and whine the entire trip. Good times! When I was a kid my dad did a lot of woodworking and I have vivid memories of boredom-filled evenings at the lumber yard as my parents picked out the correct number of perfectly straight 2x4s. Home reno stores smell just like the lumber yards and all the memories just come flooding back.

Anyway, this weekend we started the process by looking at bathroom vanities which cost a fortune, are ugly and have shockingly little storage space in them. Within minutes I really didn't care what we bought, I wanted to go home. As we wandered up the aisle I noticed the automated voice on the PA -- "assistance required in plumbing"; "assistance required in lighting", "assistance required in lumber".

"What the hell is that?" I asked Paul.
"It's the new system they have so customers can find help. You just press a button and it triggers an announcement."
"Are you kidding me? It is going off every flippin' 2 minutes. Where is the staff? Are they in the back hiding?"
Repetitive automated voices grate on my nerves and from that moment on I heard every announcement and got increasingly annoyed with each one. My kids -- who know full-well that this kind of thing drives me crazy -- laughed harder and harder with each announcement and soon the trip resulted in the 3 of us girls giggling like idiots while Paul tried to pick a vanity.

Next we tracked over to the toilet section. Our two daughters are already bored at this point. They have their winter boots on and they are dragging their feet on the concrete as we trudge over. I tell Grace for the eighth time to pick up her feet when she walks. Kaye is hot so I take off her hat and gloves and carry them so we don't lose yet another mitt this year.

"We need to pick a high-efficiency toilet so check the price tags," Paul explained. "Make sure you are checking the price tag for the tank not the toilet."
"Wait, are you telling me that they sell the toilet and the tank separately?"
"Why would they do that? That's ridiculous!" Have I mentioned that I HATE home renovation stores?
"They just do."
"Seriously Paul, why? Do people come in and try to mix and match? OOOOHHH I love this toilet but the tank is all wrong. Can I get that tank instead? Honestly, who does that?"
"OK Jules, let's try to focus here."
"No really, who is buying just one piece? They change the color beige for appliances, toilets and sinks every freakin' five minutes! It's not like you are going to be able to come back when one breaks and get the same color to match your existing tank. It's crazy."

My husband has the patience of Job but at this point he is no longer enjoying Home-reno Land. We leave the store empty-handed and agree to try the huge hemo-reno store down the street. (Yes, there are two of them within spitting-distance of one another.) Relieved to be leaving, but wanting to cry that we have to start over in the next place, I do up my coat and bundle up the kids once again.

Part 2 tomorrow...

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